Friday, May 28, 2010


In this assignment, we had to capture Identity. This figurative image shows the model, Jaida leaning against a rock looking sideways as the setting sun shines on her face.
In this photo, you can see the lines of her body and the rocks behind her. Also, the circle of light the sun created. the photo was fairly intentional as the sun was setting I angled it just so, so it would be in her face, like she is looking into who she is, and what she loves, and what her life means. Like the light is showing her, and shining on her path.
The image has a warm light and tone as the sun set always create a warm glow. And there is minor shadowing from the model and on the rock. This photo was taken outdoors.
I think this photo was successful. I like it. It was fun taking the assignment out of the classroom and SCPA campus and trying something new. Though this picture is nothing amazing, I still find it to be aesthetically pleasing and I am proud of my work. To me, this image is about being real and comfortable with yourself and who you are and letting the light be shone on that.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Group Project

In this assignment, we were told to portray each of the arts here at SDSCPA. This figurative image involves people in different positions with grass billowing behind and around them.
There are not many shapes in this picture, there are the lines and curves of our models and their props, and the straight and swayed lines of the grass overflowing behind them. The tones are bright and saturated, and there are many shadows being cast. The shot is focused and this was intentional.
In my opinion, this photo was successful. We give just a preview of all of the magnificent arts here at SCPA, and our the colors and models look so beautiful, the image, to me, is very aesthetically pleasing. Though I was an idiot, and lost my group's film, I still think we did a great job, and the photo turned out just as well in digital. But we should have been little more mindful of the background, and should have avoided having the fence in the setting, and found less patchy grass to shoot in. Also, the main model's face looks a little hard, though she looks so nice, a softer looking face would have been more appealing. Otherwise, I think it turned out fairly nice.